Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Thoughts

I think one of my favorite things is when someone does something and you don't have to ask them. It really is one of life's little presents. Maybe I'm crazy, but does it make your day when your hubby takes all of the trash out to the curb, well in advance, on garbage night instead of you having to remind him as you're getting in bed? When a co-worker makes a needed change to something before you have to ask them, doesn't it feel so satisfying? The first time your child gives you an unsolicited, "I love you mommy", doesn't your heart swell with joy? Maybe I am easily amused, but these little things really do it for me. When I see how simple things can make me happy, I grab on to them.

I think life would be more pleasant if everyone looked at the world through a child's eyes. I see my son laugh uncontrollably because he thinks he's "eating my yawn or my eyes". I can play that game with him for hours and he will crack up every time. He geeks out when daddy makes funny faces or we slurp our spaghetti together. When does life in general stop being amusing? Why does it take more and more stimulation to get that pee your pants laughter that comes so naturally for kids?

I will choose to look at the lighter side of life when I can. I will laugh at myself when I run into a door. I will take joy in the little things. I will appreciate people for the small things they do to make my day better (even if they don't know it). If I can do this during the mundane days, I can hold strong during the terrible ones.

Goal #11 of my 101 in 1001: Identify 100 things that make me happy.


  1. great post and a great reminder to just enjoy the little things even when things are great overall.

  2. i think the imaginitave, creative, innocent, uninihibited mind of a child is beautiful.

    around school age, we start telling our kids to sit still, shut their mouths, think, control impulses, color inside the lines, and basically start teaching them to narrow their minds and focus.. we tell them to grow up, and begin to suppress that inventive side.

    it's a shame. maybe we don't do it to them, maybe it's part of growing up. but, it's truly sad when it's gone.

    i have to laugh. a lot. some say too much, i'm sure. but, i try to find humor and lightheartedness EVERYWHERE. it's my favorite!

  3. and dude, the "my pregnancy" simulated photo of what donnatella may look like creeps me out.

    start eating, and fluff that child up a bit...

  4. It is pretty crazy to think about how easy it is to make Drew smile and how just about any silly thing makes him happy. We could learn a lot from our boys, that's for sure!

  5. That was awesome, I totally agree. Great post. After having 3 children it really doesn't take much of laughter to make me pee my pants. Your welcome for the information. LOL

  6. Amen! What a great post. I completely agree. You just have to keep laughing!!!

  7. Oh girl... if I start peeing my pants laughing every time I walk into a door... I'm gonna run out of clean laundry.

    I agree with you... when do we grow out of our ability to enjoy these things? To be happy simply because the "sun woke up" and it's time to find something new about today.

    How much we can learn from our kids! And I'm so glad our little guys are close in age, cuz I TOTALLY get what you're saying :)

  8. Aww, those are happy thoughts. Kinda like Eggo waffles with peanut butter.

  9. Ahhh so true. I want to be a kid again. Where bubbles just last for hours and all they say is look at all the colors...that is soo amazing to me! Just the other day Receiver said "Mom, You will still love me when I get bigger right...even if I am not your baby?" That just about made me lose it.

    MY BABY IS 5 and going to Kindergarten. WHERE did that time go? So yes, enjoy all the little things!!!

    PS..I had ALL my items on a surge protector (except the dryer) which is where the surge took place. 220 Volts will fry ANY standard plug surge protector. Did I know that until this week? Uh, NO...;)


  10. Just came across your blog! love it :) You seem so talented! I think the 101 in 1001 is so cool!

  11. I wish I could be as carefree and happy as my kids too. I was so stressed out one day getting ready for our vacation and my daughter turned to me and said "Mom this has been the best day ever because we saw baby ducks." It definitely made me take a step back and try to stop worrying over every little detail.

  12. Love when Chad takes out the garbage on garbage night. Doesn't happen too often, but when it does, woohoo!!!

    I've been soaking in the Pod and his cute ways lately... sad I'm going back to work soon, even if it's just half days. Last night, he was pretending to feed Chad with a real fork... let's just say we switched him to a plastic fork rather quickly. : )

  13. Oh yah! If we all could keep that view of the world? I believe that is where the Lord desires for us to be!

  14. Love every word in this post! Made me smile and nod my head the entire time while I was reading it. Life is too short.. Mine as well have fun doing it.


What you talkin' bout Willis??