Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Letter to Scum

Dear Low Lifes,

I just wanted to say thanks for breaking into my car last night. As we slept you were clumsily smashing my driver's side window to steal the GPS that was suction cupped to my windshield. I say clumsily because, really, how hard can it be to break a window? You managed to dent my car in 3 places and scratch the side in your effort to gain entry. I want to tell you just how much I appreciated spending my morning vacuuming the glass out of the car instead of going to Target as we had planned. I hope the money you get for selling my TomTom is enough to provide you with your next fix.

I guess you did me a couple of favors that I should thank you for. First, I had been meaning to clean and vacuum out my car for a while so thanks for providing me with the motivation. Who knows how long I would have waited if my car wasn't filled with glass! Also, thanks for being so high or so stupid that you failed to open my glove box. If you had, you might have noticed that the spare key for my husband's truck, parked right next to mine, was located inside. Thank you for not stealing anything else that was in my car. I would be lost without my car charger and diaper bag.

Guess what idiots? Your effort and my irritation could have been minimized. The door was unlocked.


  1. Oh no! Man, that really blows. I'm so sorry. That happened to my hubby a couple of years ago in a parking lot...he lost his laptop, cell phone, wallet, external hard drive, ipod, and sunglasses. It was such a pain! Hope your day gets better.

  2. That sucks!!!! And seriously, what idiots!! Chad's truck got broken into a few years ago, and he didn't even have a stereo anymore from the FIRST time it got broken into. So they didn't take anything! You'd think they could at least look before smashing!

    Thank goodness Aaron's truck wasn't stolen. Geez.

    And it was unlocked???? ugh.

  3. We went through that in July. I hear that those tomtoms are the hottest thing to steal these days. Atleast our thieves didn't break our window they checked to make sure the door was unlocked first. *Phew*

  4. Forgot to say...sorry, cause that really stinks.

  5. Oh no! That really bites.


    Though the way you wrote it - sounds like a perfect Letters of Intent from Fourson's blog.

    The one and only time our car got broken into, they stole my LIPSTICK. Seriously?!?!

  6. Oh how awful!!! I can't believe they did that. Its such an awful feeling!!!

  7. Oh Kam and Aaron and Natey-

    We have learned this lesson all to well where the same thing happened, only at a cheezy waterpark in Virginia!!!

    LOSERS!!! Sorry about that...And here is another hubs JUST left his job at TomTom or I could have offered you a SWEET DISCOUNT...UGHH!

  8. Ugh -- I hate that for you! At least you didn't loose anything too valuable! Makes me think about what I might have stashed away in my vehicle!

  9. Are you kidding me? The door was unlocked? That is insane, Kam. I am so, so sorry this happened to you.

    I must say that I feel your pain, though. I was once up really late blogging, while unbeknownst to me, a couple of thugs were outside our house robbing our car. It still kills me that I didn't hear anything while it was happening.


  10. WTF Kam? What pieces of shit to do something like that. I'm thankful that if they were that desperate they just stuck to the car and not tried to get into your house. I'm sorry you had to deal with that B.S first thing Sat morning.

  11. WOW - that does suck!!! So sorry that happened to you but glad you found a little humor out of it all - with the's hoping your day will get better!!!!!

  12. That sucks!!! It does kill me how stupid people can be.

  13. I feel terrible! I am so sorry for you, but I am laughing so hard at the moronic thieves and the hilarity of your letter!
    I am SO SORRY about missing out on Target. That just plain sucks.

    Love the new look!

  14. That happened to my husband's car at the train station a few months ago. They dented the frame so bad that the window still leaks after being repaired. Royally pissed us off! You wonder how hard it is to just break the window ya know!

    In your case they could have at least tried the doors first, dummies!

  15. I hear that those tomtoms are the hottest thing to steal these days. Atleast our thieves didn't break our window they checked to make sure the door was unlocked first. *Phew*
    Work From Home

  16. Oh no! That just stinks. Because that might be one of the crappiest ways to start a day!
    And I agree...the real loss was the trip to Target.

  17. Oh my good gracious. What a punch of PUNKS! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their crotches.

  18. Bahahahaha! Are you kidding me? They didn't try the handle first?! That is so stinkin' funny in such a horrible, no good, very bad way!

    I am so sorry these scum buckets decided to break into your car and steal your GPS. I'm sure there is a HUGE pay-off on the black market for those things. *Ahem*

    Love that Rachel sent you over to link up. Makes me love her even more than I already do! Welcome!

  19. NO!!! Not cool. And now for all of the HASSLE of having everything restored. Dealing with insurance companies and repairmen! Wouldn't you just looooove to call their mommies???

  20. Ugh, I feel your pain... my car got broken into twice in the last city I lived in. Once they broke that tiny window that happens to be the most expensive window to replace. Both times they hacked my steering column to pieces trying to hot-wire my car - failed both times, but made my car totally undrivable both times. Had to have it towed to the shop. Once they left my husband's wallet right on the seat, where he'd accidentally left it. There seriously has to be something lacking in the DNA of criminals.

    Great letter though. Hope the venting helped with the frustration some!

  21. that really bites, and you even left it unlocked for them....LOL

    Well I guess that pretty much proves they aren't rocket scientists.....ROFL

  22. oh my gosh that is awful. i have to be honest though, i love how you ended this post. i am sure you don't find it funny at all but just the irony and the way it is written makes me smile a little. sorry don't be mad :)

  23. Man! That is the worst! I am sorry! And how crazy that the door was open! My husband keeps telling me to lock our doors in the driveway but I forget. Sometimes I leave my wallet out there too. Crazy, right?

  24. As much as it must have sucked having your car broken into I love this post and letter!

  25. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Not only is it an inconvenience, but it's also so very unsettling when something like that happens to you.

  26. I'm smilin at this moment....and NOT because of your 'sucky' experience...I'm smilin' because as I was reading your letter and I was hoping that Karma catches up with them, sooner rather than later and when I go to post my comment I'm posting after KMAMA...but I read KARMA :0) LOL

    Have faith they are having a sucky sucky time presently...or STILL :0)

    Thanks for sharing.


What you talkin' bout Willis??