Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Have you seen her?

No? Not lately. Sorry. I stink at picture taking since I have been back at work. I'm lucky if we get dinner at a reasonable hour these days. So before I have a mutiny on my hands, here are a few photos of some baby who:

...turned 11 weeks old on Monday

...does not have red hair like it seems in this picture smiling more and more each day, just not long enough for me to catch a great shot! starting to reach out and grab things

...gets this look of concern quite often currently fighting a crappy cold that her brother so nicely shared with both of us. Well, at least he shares something, right?


  1. Oh my word she is so cute and growing so much. What a doll face. I love that smile. They change so quickly their first year of is so great to have pictures each month to show their growth. That last picture looks a little like an expression I have seen on Mr. Nathan's face before:) Thanks for sharing your cutie with us!

  2. She is an absolute DOLL! I think my fave pic is the last one :)

  3. She gives the best looks! I love it!

  4. She is getting so big so fast! 11 weeks old - holy moly. Time flies. She is absolutely beautiful.

  5. I do believe she looks more like her big brother every, week.

  6. A, you're adorable...

    i love that last pic!!

  7. Love your format of your update... I just wrote Aidan's 21-month to him, but I get tired of starting every sentence with "You are..." blah, blah, blah.

    Love her bundled in that hoodie! I can't stinkin' wait to meet her in person!!!! And pinch those chubbers!

  8. Her concerned look is adorable! (heck, she's all over adorable!)

  9. She is a doll! At least you are getting some pictures :) I was the third child, and there definitely weren't as many pictures of me as my older siblings!

  10. She is so cute! I can't believe she is 11 weeks already!

  11. She is adorable! I love the last photo- that's definitely one for the baby book. :D
    (Hi, by the way, I'm your Blog Swap partner...but I couldn't resist commenting. Both your kids are just precious.)


What you talkin' bout Willis??