Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Sneak Peek

I have been trying to wait for all of the pictures to be done and in my hot little hand, but I am dying to share the awesome work of Blog Baby's momma! So here is a sneak peek of our photo shoot in Montreal to whet your whistle!

I love her work and can't wait to share the rest of the shoot with you guys!!


  1. Oh WOW.. These shots are marvelous! I love the one of Natey on your belly. Too sweet!!!

  2. WOW!! I love them! Now I'm dying to see the rest!

  3. Absolutely GORGEOUS! Can't wait to see them all. :-) LOVE Natey's curls.

  4. oh my gosh that first picture is so beautiful! i can't wait to see more!

  5. FINALLY! I have been dying to see these. I admire other people's work all the time and this my friend is fantastic! I LOVE how she captured those priceless moments.. Damn you look great! Not saying you shouldn't but you don't even look pregnant from behind at all. My entire ass, back, legs and even my feet spread, lol. It should be illegal for you to look that good! :) I'm totally hatin! LOVE YA! MEAN IT!

  6. These are fantastic!! You should get a really BIG one of Natey hugging your belly and put it in baby girl's nursery! And oh man, Natey was having an awesome "curl" day!

  7. Awww, I really love the first picture, it's just so sweet. You look great!

  8. Wow, wow, WOW!!!! Those ARE amazing! I always wanted one of me, Aidan, and Chad walking... love that you did that. And what a great pregnant butt you have! Geez, I don't even look like that NOW! Love how crisp Natey's curls look... and the first one is just the sweetest.

    Let's hear it for GOOD PICTURES!!!!

  9. THEY ARE AWESOME! They are so great! I am so jealous!!!

  10. Amazing photos! And everyone's right, you do not look pregnant from behind at all. Eat a bit of ice crea, will ya? :)

  11. love it love it love it!!! those are gorgeous!!!!! you look awesome!

  12. ADORABLE photos!!
    such a cute family :)

  13. Oh, you are going to have a hard time choosing!!! That one of Natey is just MEZMERIZING!!! Look at that adorable belly...You look fantastic!!!


  14. Kam,

    these are absolutely priceless and gorgeous. Wow she did a fabulous job. CAn't wait to see the rest. How excited are you about these? AWESOME!

  15. Holy MAC! Good grief you are a gorgeous family!

    And that second shot of Natey... you were worried about his hair?!?! He is stinkin beautiful (and mommies of little boys can say that).

    I cannot wait to see the rest... I seriously would give up Hagen Daaz for pictures like that :)

  16. Love them! Can't wait to see the rest!

  17. Wow these are GREAT! I can't wait to see the rest!

  18. Love the pictures of families walking holding hands. Just took that shot today of a family of 4. What great work and i can't wait to see more :)

  19. His curls are delicious!!!

    Lovin the pictures!!!


What you talkin' bout Willis??