Sunday, November 15, 2009

False Alarm

No baby yet folks. Sorry to get everyone worked up yesterday. I never had "false" or "pre-labor" pains with Nate. I was kinda hesitant to tweet anything until I had been having the pains for a while. I was contracting at about 7-10 minutes apart for a little over 5 hours. They weren't bad, but it felt like it did when labor began with Natey. I guess I got a little excited, but truth be told, I wasn't ready. When it started with Nate, I was ready. I felt like I had everything finished and I was rested and geared up for the long haul. When it started yesterday, I went into a frenzy. We ate dinner, I did the dishes, finished organizing baby clothes, straightened the family room, swept, and blogged a little. I guess it was good motivation if nothing else. I still have 3 tasks I'd like to get done today and have this adamant thing about her NOT being born on the 15th, so let's hope she holds out another day or 2...or 3. The best thing about it being a false alarm is the fact that I got a full night's sleep last night. I went to bed at 10 and Nate so graciously let me sleep until 7am for the second day in a row. This past week has not been restful since he has been sick, so I am glad to have gotten 2 nights in a row of rest. Who knows, they could be my last ones for a while. I'll keep ya posted, but I might just wait until I'm on my way to the hospital before I say something this time. Don't wanna be the pregnant girl who cried baby!


  1. Eh, it happens. I'm glad you got some rest, though.

  2. Glad you got some good night's sleep. I'll pray that you don't go into labor today. I Hope you get your wish on the 18th.

  3. I think I made 3 trips to the hospital with BigBoy before the final event came.

    Soon. At just the perfect time.

    BlogBaby's BabyMama

  4. Enjoy the full nights rest while you can. Jack did this to me 3 or 4 time - I can't even begin to tell you how much walking we did over that week. On the plus side this means that you are on your way - your body is getting ready and you will be holding your baby girl before you know it!!!

  5. Well, at least you are getting rested up! Here's to hoping you get another great night of sleep :o)

  6. Good for you getting the rest you need. I had a false alarm too with Model. Sleep well.

  7. everytime i message you...i think, oh man...maybe she's having the baby like RIGHT NOW! in case you are...just breathe!! he-he-he-he-hooooo!!

  8. Dude..I did NOT pay...I have been MIA. I need to pay before that baby comes out..;) Ill hop out there tonight! Hope you are feeling well and READY to have that baby...IM SO EXCITED !!!

  9. Now I think I donated...2 guesses = $4 I should be READY to ROLL..Forgive my absent mindedness!

  10. I love the fact that you don't want your baby to be born on the 15th. Sounds very much like something I'd do. And just so you know, I semi loathe the 3 ladies I posted on my blog rocking the HK! :) Wishing you a smooth & happy delivery!


  11. Had the same thing, second time around. Never had had pre-labor or even pre-term labor with the first, but I had MONTHS of it the second time around. I ended up at the hospital twice, and even had my mom come to watch our older one 3 times, cause I was sure it was TIME! :)


What you talkin' bout Willis??