Sunday, December 6, 2009

I blinked...

...and this baby girl is 2 weeks old! Well, tomorrow she will be, if you want to get technical!

It has been a busy time for us. She has already survived a Scampoli holiday gathering, of which I have no pictures to show {hangs head in shame}. She even slept on my lap through the chaos, that was 18 people in one room, 10 of whom were playing Apples to Apples (very VERY loudly).
She is the best sleeper so far (I pray I didn't just jinx myself). She generally gives me 3 hour stretches and sometimes even graces me with one 4 hour one at night. She falls asleep instantly in the car (unlike her screeching brother when he was a baby). She nurses well and is gaining the weigh back she lost in the first few days.
She dislikes the swing and gets the hiccups EVERY time I put her in it. Her brother wouldn't even sleep unless he was on me or in the swing, so this is such a weird change for me. It is also a nice change!
She does have one fussy period a day, usually between the hours of 6 and 10 at night. We're working on this.
Natey has been a bit wild but so sweet with her. Every time she has her eyes open he, "Hi Arielle"s her for about 10 minutes! He is a bit rowdy, but I think he is just adjusting to having a small, crying being in the house. Every time she cries, he announces that, "Arielle needs boobies". I just can't wait until he does this in public.
We have managed to do a little bit of Christmas shopping this week, went to visit Liz at her craft show yesterday and today we went on our first real outing to see Santa and attempt to get a tree (still didn't happen). I decided I didn't want to wake my sleeping newborn and hand her to germ infested Santa, so Nate got to sit by himself again this year (post coming soon). I was a little disappointed that her super cute outfit that Heather bought her didn't get to be seen by all, but I took some pictures when we got home.
All in all the whole family is doing really well, I have just been busy trying to squeeze things in when she naps. I'm sure it will get easier as she gets a little bigger and I get used to having 2 munchkins in the house. I love having my big boy and baby girl. They fill my heart and make me smile, even when I'm tired.


  1. I love the new pictures, she looks so much like natey in the third one. Congrats again, she is so beautiful!

  2. Lovin' your girl's sense of style, she looks like the cuddliest little sherpa baby this side of Alaska! LOVE IT!

    Isn't it great when our children learn how to talk and completely embarrass us with their loud proclamations? Good times. When BigBoy was little he went through a phase where he was very concerned about people's looks and would loudly announce when he thought someone looked "Soooo Pretty or Soooo Ugly". YIKES!

    I can't believe it's already been 2 weeks!

    BlogBaby's BabyMama

  3. She is just precious and those outfits are so cute. Great crisp closeups. Love them all. So sweet! Glad you are adjusting well.

  4. She is adorable! And apples to apples is such a fun game (and yes it can get loud at our house too LOL)

    Enjoy your little munchkins =)

  5. Ahhh, I'm loving that outfit!!! Even cuter on her than online! I just want to give her a squeeze!! So glad she's sleeping well. I'm freaked now, because Aidan was my good sleeper. I'm screwed for #2!!!

    Can't believe how fast it goes. 2 weeks already? Didn't you just finally get her out??? Wow. And to think, she'll be 8 months old by the time I meet her! And Natey will be 3!! Ugh.

  6. Just noticed Arielle on your sidebar! Good job. Now we need to get her into your header!!

  7. Ohmygosh, I'm been MIA for so long ... YOU HAD YOUR BABY! And she's beautifullllll! Congrats!

    I am amazed that you are blogging (and with pictures!)... I can't even gather enough energy to blog regularly (not much lately) and my babies are 9 and 7!! LOL


  8. Kameron, she is SO amazing! You have a beautiful family! Yay!!

  9. I'm so happy to hear your wonderful update! She is adorable. The way you described her is exactly how Lexie was as a newborn. It sounds like you are all adjusting really well!

  10. She is so darn cute, Kam. You are two for two, and do some good work!

    T used to have the same fussy period each lasted about 6 weeks. The only way we could calm her was to bounce her on one of those big stability balls, or stand in front of the stove and turn on the exhaust fan. (Any other "white" noise would not do for her). Oh, and she detested her swing. I think she used it maybe a dozen times.

  11. She is beautiful!!! We can't seem to get out of that fussy period, so I have no advice. Glad y'all are doing well!

  12. Love that little outfit!!! She sure is a cutie!

    Adjusting to having two kids takes some time, but you sound like you're well on your way. :)

    I'm happy to hear that she's a good sleeper!

    My first was a difficult baby, but my second baby was a dream. Sure is nice to have an easy baby as a second one.

    Hey, one thing that I got for him when he had his super fussy time in the evenings is called Colic Calm. You can only get it online. It's all natural and is a miracle cure for fussiness, colic, and gas. Might be worth a try if the fussiness continues or gets worse...

    Enjoy that baby girl while she's still teeny weeny! ;)

  13. 2 weeks!?!?! NO WAY!!! Where the heck did the time go?!?!

    Great pics btw! :)

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. She's just precious! So funny how different babies like different things. My son never cared for the swing, and my daughter loved it (until her big brother decided she needed to have it on full speed). The evening crankies are very typical. Hopefully she'll outgrow it soon. Glad you're all doing so well!

  16. She is just precious!!! I love it...and yes, everything the 1st child does the 2nd child does NOT just to keep you on your toes (swing) LOL.

    You guys are soo the tights on that little cream outfit;)

  17. I blinked and my baby turned 2 months! It really does go by so fast.
    I love all the pictures of Arielle! She is such a beauty!
    And yay for long stretches of sleep! That is awesome. Keep it up baby girl :)
    I'm glad things are going so well for you!

  18. Sounds like you are all doing great! Love the new pic of Arielle on the sidebar -- she's such a cutie!!


What you talkin' bout Willis??