Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall in New England

I'm a California girl. Fall never really meant much to me. Nothing really fell. Sure, it got a little cooler and some of the trees would drop their leaves, but I went trick-or-treating in spaghetti straps and tutus. I didn't own a winter coat until I moved out here. Scarfs and mittens, ha!, I didn't know anything about them. We'd go get our apples and pumpkins from the grocery store or "pumpkin patch" which was like a Christmas tree lot, but with pumpkins. I love that my kids get to experience what fall really means.
It's cable knit tights and knee high boots, rows of pumpkins that you get from the farm where they grew, apples hand-picked from the tree and turned into warm pie, tractor rides and corn mazes, and so much more. 

I  love this time of year when the leaves change to golden yellow, warm orange, and fiery red as the trees prepare to sleep the winter away.

I'm not a fan of winter here, but I truly LOVE the fall!



  1. you have some great photos here! can't believe you used to be able to trick or treat with spaghetti staps on, too funny! love that you get the real fall experience here now :)

  2. I'm a tad jealous. Although I would not want to endure your winters!

    Your kiddos are SO cute, Miss A has such a sweet smile and I can just see what a great personality Nathan has! Love the shot of him swinging!

  3. Such beautiful pictures Kameron! You have such a talent :) Really captured New England's beauty :)

  4. I love this. I don't think I could live anywhere else but New England. Fall is my favorite. Beautiful photos!

  5. Fall truly is the best--especially out here in NE where everywhere you turn around is a photo moment. Love your photos from the pumpkin farm. Let's hope we have some nice fall weather longer this year.

  6. COMPLETELY GORGEOUS photos!!! I can't imagine not experiencing fall. It's my positively favorite season, for sure.

    CAlifornia girl, huh? I had NO idea!

    Side question... how did you create your blog header? I'm venturing into the idea of creating my own...

  7. I still hate Fall, it's just a prelude to Winter in my book. You do make Fall look good, though. :)

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What you talkin' bout Willis??