Saturday, May 30, 2009
Paint by number
32: the number of days until I find out the sex of baby #2
24: the number of dollars I left as a tip last night to complete goal #63- leave a 100% tip for excellent service
12: the number of days until our 3rd anniversary
120: then number of dollars I spent last night when my friend had to stop at Target after our gym trip. Damn you Target, why do you always have things that I want and "need".
11: the time Natey and I are supposed to meet my parent's club group at Peckham farm...crud, better get movin!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Viva la resistance!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Two birds gardens with one stone goal
I am so excited to have gotten this project done, even if it did take me 3 times as long as I would have liked. I guess sometimes I think I should be able to do everything and not have to slow down. I am learning that not every pregnancy is the same and, for this one, I have to take things a little more slowly...even if it does drive me crazy! Now, if I can just keep Natey from pulling my plants out {it's happened twice already} we'll be ok!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Button love
I've got a button. I've got a button. I've got a button. Hey, hey, hey! Heather made me a button and I have it in my side bar. I'm not pushy or anything (go grab it) so if you think you might (seriously, go) want to display my son's smiling (grab it now!) face on your blog (what are you waiting for), I'd be honored. No pressure. Ahem.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Vlog-emo week 4
Come join the fun over at Fort Thompson for the vlog party!
So here I am; late again. I will just be resigned to he fact that my role in this little group is to bring up the rear! I'm cool with that. While Nikki's vlog was in B & W on accident, mine is in sepia on purpose. I look like key-rap and old timeiness kinda hides that...a little....a very little. Oh and please disregard the fro. I am out of my Aveda hair product and have no control over the mane without it!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Random Rantings
Monday, May 18, 2009
Not Me! Monday
I have not been semi-boycotting the whole Not Me thing when it used to be my favorite post of the week. I didn't feel immense pressure to come up with a witty intro and instead just decide not to write a post rather than let down my readers. I am not that petty. Nope, not me!
We are planting two vegetable and herb gardens in our yard. We got the raised beds all set up last weekend and were supposed to go get the plants for them. We did not stupidly bring Natey to the farm to get the seedlings:
1. At 5 pm when we were all
2. When the sky looked like it was about to open up and poor down rain
We did not begin to put plants on a cart only to get frustrated by the fact that Nate was pulling seedlings out by the roots, having a fit about being strapped into the stroller, and demanding food. We did not proceed to put all of the plants back and then leave without anything to go eat. At least we wised up yesterday and dropped the kid off at the grandparents for an hour so we could get what we needed in peace.We were not so embarrassed by the whole incident that we went to a different farm the next day.
I did not go the entire day yesterday and forget I was pregnant until someone brought up the possibility of being hung over after a wedding we will be going to in July. I didn't stare at her blankly for a moment and then remind her that I will in fact NOT be hung over since I will not be drinking. She didn't feel like an idiot since she also knows I am pregnant.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Opinions please
Keep in mind that our address will be under the date, I just left it off of this version for obvious reasons! I need to order them tomorrow so gimme your thoughts, and in Aaron fashion, I need them now! ;o)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Natey at 23 Months
- I'm starting to wonder if Dora is such a bad thing since she has taught you so much freakin Spanish! Some of my favorites are your responses to these:
When someone says gracias you sweetly say, "De nada!"
You reply "muy bien" when Auntie Pamme asks you "como estas?".
- You apparently know a little Chinese too as you can say "Ni hao" (hi), "Xie xie" (thank you) and "tway" (push). My favorite part is you tilt your head to the side and touch your chin to your shoulder when you say these things. It melts me every time!
- You crack me up with some of the things you come up with. You went to the zoo and saw the bats in their cave and now every time we turn the light off in your room or you put the blanket over your head you say, "I see bats!". You don't seem afraid when you say this so I don't think I will worry about it just yet.
- I love your new obsession with finding life in the back yard. Worms, birds, "slugas", rolly polies, you love them all. I just have to watch you closely so you don't inadvertently squish them.
- You are starting to get the plural of items. You add an s where appropriate and have started to say our, "our house", "our car" are some things you like to say a lot.
- You are starting to call things your "favorite". I'm pretty sure you get it because the things you mention are definitely on the top of your list. For example: "T-rex my favorite dinosaur". This I know to be true.
- One of your truly favorite things is after you eat dinner. I clean off your high chair and you and daddy play blastoff. Daddy shakes your tray and you count really fast, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, BLASTOFF" and then daddy spins your highchair around. This is something only a daddy would do. I am too afraid you might puke your dinner all over me, but you love it and scream and giggle with glee.
- On the negative side you have figured out that boo boos hurt. You obsess about it and say over and over again, "Boo boo hurts. I need (trans)former band aid. I need mecine". For the longest time I thought you were saying farmer band aid, but then daddy taught you the song which is hilarious when you sing it. "(Trans)Farmers, more than meets de guy". That's what it sounds like anyway.
- You have started singing songs on your own now. You don't know all of the words, but you don't care. Sometimes you skip them or mumble them and keep going with the words you know. I will have to get your renditions of Yankee Doodle, Baa Baa Black sheep, and Itsy Bitsy spider on video and post them so everyone can get a chuckle.
- You get the concept of "just a minute". When you aren't ready to get out of bed or off of the toilet you say, "Lay down minute" or "pee pee toilet minute".
- I can't count how many times a day I hear, "I found it" out of your mouth. Even if I hand something to you, you proudly hold it up and say you found it.
- You are finally sleeping sans the sleep sack and are using a blanket now. I can't say that you keep covered or know how to cover yourself back up when you get all tangled, but it's a start.
- You slept on a cot for the first time the other day when you had to go to big daycare for a day. I was so proud of you since I had my doubts when I dropped you off. I'm still glad you go to a home daycare where you get your own room and pack n play to sleep in, but it makes me feel more confident that you might do well in a big boy bed when the baby comes.
- You have all but your 2 year molars and will be going to the dentist for the first time next month. Let's hope that goes smoothly.
- Your feet are huge kiddo. You are in a 7 1/2 already. Please slow down. Toddler shoes are not cheap and I'd like to get some more use out of the ones you have!
If I sat here long enough I could fill pages and pages about all of the things you do every day, but I'll end there for now. I'm a little sad that next month I will have to tell people you are 2. My baby will be officially a boy in my mind and I guess I just wanted to hold on to your babiness a little longer. I love you Nathan Fraank Fraanks!
Love, Mommy Fox and Daddy Wolf (how do you come up with this stuff???)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I'm still here
My Mother's day wasn't the restful day that I thought I wanted either. Up at 7, out of the house by 8. Breakfast with my boys, a stop at one set of in-laws, Lowes to get the rest of the materials for my veggie gardens, built the raised bed frames, dug for worms with Natey, visit to second in-laws, stop at Home Depot since we forgot something at Lowes. Natey down for a nap, 2 1/2 hours of getting the raised beds set up. Showered and off to a cookout at a friend's house.
With every second of the day filled with something, I didn't have the time to wallow in my thoughts of my mom. I guess that's good and bad. I do enjoy the times I spend strolling down memory lane even if they are bitter sweet. I have been thinking a lot about baby number 2 that is growing bigger every day and even that is bitter sweet. My due date is the day my mother died. November 18th. I feel this is her gift to me. A way to take a negative day and turn it into something wonderful. That was who she was. She always smiled, even through her pain. She would want me to do the same.
On that note here is someone who always makes me smile. Disregard the hat. It was not that cold, he just found it in his closet and he looked to cute to argue.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Throwing in the towel {vlog style}
Ok SEE what I'm talking about people???? I freaking talked for at least another 2 minutes without realizing that my camera ran out of memory. Yeah I might have broken the 3 minute rule Tim, but you know what?? I was even slightly funny at the end (or at least I was in my mind). This is just the cherry on top of the crap sundae that has been my whole week. I guess that will teach me to leave a bunch of pics and videos on the camera and try to record. Lesson learned.
Whatever, I am just going to get over it because tomorrow is my day and I am going to take advantage. I'm sleeping in. I'm not cleaning anything. I'm not making a meal. I'm not changing a diaper. Nope, tomorrow I am recharging my batteries so I can have a better week. And as for the rest of the stuff you didn't get to hear about...forget about it. Part of it could have been an HR nightmare if anyone from work happened to stumble upon my blog anyway.
I'm throwing in the towel... good night.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I can't wait!