Monday, November 9, 2009

First Day Off

Today is officially my first day of maternity leave.

I had grand plans of the one million things I was going to get done today.

So far I have managed to drop off Natey, go to the chiropractor since I kind of over-did it yesterday, go to Babies R Us to get a few random things and sit in front of my computer catching up on blogs.

I have no less than 4 mountainous piles of clean laundry to fold.

I have a bathroom that is screaming to be scrubbed.

I have a nursery that is finally ready to be painted.

I should probably pack my bag for the hospital.

Instead I am going to change my shirt (into a tee since it is almost 70 degrees!!!), go grab some lunch by myself, then come home and read a book until it is time to go get Natey. I will make dinner for the boys and then join my friend Joelle at the spa for my birthday massage.

Today I will relax. Tomorrow I will work!


  1. Enjoy a relaxing day. The rest can wait.

  2. It's lovely here too today! If only BlogBaby weren't sick so we could enjoy it and/or so I could actually get things done around here without the constant neediness of a sick little BubbaLou! :(

    Wish I could meet you for lunch, that would be FAB.

    BlogBaby's BabyMama

    P.S. No baby allowed until Nov 17th, I want to WIN. ;)

  3. Isn't it beautiful out?
    You should relax today and tomorrow. You certainly aren't going to have much time to relax in a few days. Dirt can's good for the immune system!

  4. You deserve to enjoy your last moments of freedom before things get flipped upsidedown! Remember, baby girl won't care what her room looks like... don't worry about getting it all done.

    But yes, you might wanna pack that hospital bag... just in case. : ) I'll be packing mine at week 32... or maybe sooner. haha Don't want #2 to end up in the same dorky clothes Aidan did because we were so unprepared for his arrival!

  5. That sounds like a good day! You need to have a relaxing day all to yourself!

  6. Perfect. That is EXACTLY what you should be doing. Enough chaos will set in next week! I am so excited to {meet} her!

  7. Perfect. That is EXACTLY what you should be doing. Enough chaos will set in next week! I am so excited to {meet} her!

  8. Good for you. That is exactly what you should do. Enjoy your massage.

  9. Relax today - and tomorrow - and Sunday - work at home can start Monday!!! LOL


What you talkin' bout Willis??