Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random Ramblings

Thursday's here again and so are all my random thoughts. Aren't you just dying to hear them? No, too bad. :o)
I had been having pain in a specific spot on my belly since Friday afternoon. It is up on top, just below my right..well, um, boob. I figured it was probably normal and didn't think too much of it until it continued all weekend and Monday. It would be a sharp pain and then feel like a deep bruise. After whining talking about it with the hubbs, we agreed I should call my midwife, just in case. I went in yesterday afternoon and she pulled the Doppler out to get the baby's heartbeat. She started down low, nothing. Moved it up a little higher, still nothing. She got almost 3/4 of the way up my belly and there it was. The tell tell position of a breech baby!! Ahhhh! We did a quick ultrasound and sure enough the back of baby girl's head is in that painful spot.

I have been having sciatic pain anyway so she sent me to the Chiro, where we discovered that my left leg is almost an inch shorter than my right because my hip joint is so compacted. When your hip is like that your round ligaments, which hold the uterus to the pelvis, cause the uterus to be out of position. Basically it is twisted slightly to the left and she doesn't have the room to turn head down. I now get to go to the Chiro 3X a week for the next 2 weeks to see if my hips will open up enough for her to turn herself around. Let's hope it happens...and soon!!
After a disappointing first Saturday of the Providence Open Market, Liz and I are crossing our fingers for good weather for our second day this Saturday. We set up our booth in the pouring rain and the rain barely broke all day. If it is sunny, this place is mobbed and we really would like to have a successful day to encourage us along in the sewing department.
My friend Cristina just had her baby girl yesterday, 3 weeks early. Our due dates were 6 weeks apart. I got a random picture message yesterday while I was waiting at the Chiro. I am now even more antsy to meet mine!!!!
I really need to get a move on this weekend as far as Natey's room and baby girl's room are concerned. All I have left in Nate's room is to get something up on the walls! It is the easiest part, yet I am at a loss of what to put up. Maybe I should post some pics and get your opinions on the final accessories!
We are going to attempt to let him take a nap in his big boy bed at some point this weekend and see how it goes. If he doesn't go right to sleep I think I might move the crib into his big boy room while we paint the girl's room. He is just too good of a sleeper to sabotage myself at this point in the game!


  1. Holy Moley Batman!! I can't believe that girl is breech right now!! I hope that you get her to move around quickly!!!

    I also hope that you get a TON of people at your craft fair..poo poo crappy weather!!! ;)

  2. Hope you get the rooms done soon cause i want to see pictures...and it is all about me. LOL
    Sorry about the pain. That always happens towards the end. Gets so uncomfortable.

  3. Oh my! Totally keeping my fingers crossed that the Chiro can help you out and baby girl can turn herself around in there!

    And yes, please post pictures of Natey's room. Not that I have creative thoughts, but I'd love to see it so far.

    And definitely wishing you all the best with the next Open Market.

  4. Good luck this weekend -- all of your stuff is just so cute!

    I hear ya on the bed...Drew will probably be in his crib until he starts school!!

  5. Oh the sweet joy of that antsy time, waiting to meet your little girl.

    Blessings to you sweet one,
    Sarah Dawn

  6. Hope she turns for you! And good luck with the nap in the big boy bed! I'm dreading that Zaden will climb out of his crib soon!

  7. Try not to stress too much about it right now. I was 32 or 33 weeks before Olivia turned. She's still got time to turn. I'll be praying for you two. Good luck this weekend & good luck with Nately & the big boy bed! : )

  8. My munchkin turned between 32 and 33 weeks. Hopefully, the chiro adjustments will help loosen things up so she can do a flip.

    Good luck with the sewing sales this weekend!

  9. praying that the chiro appointments will help to get baby girl turned around!

    and yes, post pictures! i'd love to see! i like the idea of putting his crib in there... maybe it will help him to get used to the bed just by being in the room with it.

    good luck this weekend with the sales!

  10. Dang, breech??? I hope the chiro works! That's interesting that because of your leg difference, it affects your uterus. That must be my problem too! I fell off a bed when I was a baby, and my hips shifted. And my uterus is in a crazy position!!

    Um, anyway, enough about me... I can't wait to hear how Natey does with his new room and a big boy bed. So many changes!

    Wish I were going with Kat next week to see you! : (

  11. Yikes, I hope your chiro visits and the pain subsides! Thanks for coming by earlier, I had actually thought about you prior to you coming by. Just 2 more months until the babe comes huh? Wow. Feel good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12.! Too much.I'm stressed for you. I hope that your hip gets fixed and she turns and you get the rooms done...and everything you ever wished for. Yikes!

  13. SHine a flashlight up towards your va-jay-jay and see if she turns toward the light. Have aaron yell to her "Go towards the light, baby! Go towards the light!" It'll be amusing if nothing else.

    B was breech for a long while as was Sis/ Both turned on their own so I'm holding out hope for you.


What you talkin' bout Willis??